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Anderson Memorial Park Cemetery & Funeral Needs - logo
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Second Rights

Second Rights Services

• Serving Anderson Since 1929

• Pre-Planning Assistance

• Compassionate, Caring Staff

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Second Rights 

It is possible to place cremated remains with a family member already interred at Anderson Memorial Park. This process is called Second Rights. Authorized family members may make arrangements to have the cremated ashes placed in a small concrete vault which is then buried in the memorial marker row in the same space as the previously buried loved one. Each situation is unique for Second Rights; we welcome the opportunity to review your family’s situations with you.

Call Us

Contact us for services. Anderson Memorial Park Cemetery & Funeral Needs manufactures and sets burial vaults.

(765) 643-3211

(765) 643-3211

**Opening and closing fees are typically due during interment or burial. However, if you prefer, you can pay these fees in advance during your pre-arrangement process for added convenience and peace of mind.

Cemetery Items Needed Chart
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